Monster Integration

Chapter 2636 Eneas Ulvar II

Chapter 2636 Eneas Ulvar II  The method they are practicing is called Eneas Ulvar in the universal world language; it roughly translates to pillars of four-element.

It is a powerful method but a highly dangerous one; so dangerous that if I removed my strings from inside them, they would be immediately destroyed by their own element immediately. In every session, I would create a seal inside them that refrained them from practicing without me.

This method was created by a very powerful organization called Jarak Ulvar; it was the order of the cruel monks who practiced four elements. It was an extremly powerful organization, and it was its core method; the people would only become a full members after practicing all twelve levels of it.

This order would take babies with level 1 basic elemental constitutions and raise them in groups of four, each belonging to a different basic element.

They will be brothers and sisters to each other and trained in a way that would increase their synergy with each other. After they come to age, they will begin practicing this method. From what the book said, 99% of groups would die in practicing this method.

It is extremly dangerous; they would use the concentrated elemental energy from the crystals and circulate them through the specific veins before sending them out through their heart toward the others. 

Who would face even more pressure than others because they will have to take that element that did not belong to them and forcefully convert it to the energy of their element using the energy of the crystal beneath them before sending it to another?

The third person will face even more pressure; this energy will be more concentrated, and he will have to do the same thing, but with a much greater and the fourth person will have to do the same, but with even more effort. 

This converted concentrated energy will go back to the first person again, and they will have to convert to their element with even more effort, further concentrating before sending it to another person.

It is a brutal method that would kill one with the slightest mistake, as with each circulating, the energy would become more concentrated and harder to cover; it also will become volatile, and by its twenty-fourth cycle, the energy would become so powerful that will kill an Emperors on the spot and injure a Tyrant.

But these Kings bore it all without the slightest injury, as this is not a brutal method but is also very mysterious. 

The path of their circulation and the basic energies they convert and concentrate create some sort of rhythm that is called unnamed universal energy, which mixes with energy. With it, as long as the circulation is perfect, it will protect them and give them great benefits.

They first the cycle and then another before another, with each circulation energy would become more concentrated, but it would increase its effect on them, especially on their constitution, which would slowly strengthen.

There are many methods in my arsenal that could strengthen the constitution and even make them powerful, but there is the reason I chose this brutal method.

It is not just the methods’ potential and the benefits they will bring them but also the secrete it held and the way it could show me in strengthening my own constitution. My constitution is plenty powerful, but it still has not reached the limit, and the methods I have could not strengthen it further.

I have read several methods, and those gave me some inspiration, but I need more, as I do just want to strengthen my constitution but also break it.

I have seen what bodies are, and I am simply not satisfied with the constitution, but I am far, far away from getting something like a body. At first, I will have to focus on strengthening my constitution to limit, which is going to be the challenge itself.

Finally, the twenty-fourth circulation begins, and their bodies are literally shaking, and they grit their teeth tighter as they circulate for the last cycle.

There are thousands of people with a basic constitution of level 1; I have found more than thirty groups of four from all the levels and even those who hadn’t begun to practice, but I had chosen these four.

These four did not have many talents, but they had sheer will through which they could crush anything to make way for themselves. This method is not for those with faint hearts; one will need the heart of steel to practice it and see the way they are pushing; I couldn’t help but feel proud of them.

Finally, they finished the twenty-fourth cycle, and the runic chains and bodies lit up their element, and the energy they had circulated began to disappear into their bodies, while some that were going to disappear were absorbed into my vines.

thud thud thud thud

Just as they have finished absorbing, they fall down on the crystal they are sitting, too tired to even talk.

”Well done, guys; you have done great today,” I congratulated them, but they were no change on their faces, hearing my praise. 

”The next session would be a week later on the same day, and if you all worked hard as today, then in session, you will successfully practice the first stage of this method,” I said to them, and their dead tired eyes lit up, and their expressions changed.

Though they still did not move. This method takes a huge toll on the body, and from what I could, they would not move from their spot for at least an hour. “You guys rest; I will see you next week,” I said and walked into the formation toward my next destination.

”I am tired,” I said as I walked toward formation with Neela; she had just helped me with the last treatment, and now we were both tired.

The project had many powerhouses, all of them Tyrants, who could easily go on my days without sleep, but nearly all of them, from basic tyrants to Grandmaster, all of them sleep daily, they might only sleep as low as two hours, but they sleep.

We need to sleep daily; without it, we can simply function. The work hours are clearly toxic, but we don’t have much of a choice. Recruiting new members might solve some of the problems, but as I had said, it is not an easy thing to do.


”You should rest, mentor; you are clearly very tired,” she said as we stepped out of the formation into the conference room, where Mary was still sitting in her usual place, with her bodyguard/assistant standing behind her. she is looking at screens in front of her and discussing something with Marina who is sitting beside her.

They turned as we appeared and strange light twinkled in Marina’s eyes, seeing that a small smile lit up on my face.

”How are the donations?” I asked as I walked toward her. “You would not believe it,” Marie said, opening her mouth exhageratly, to which I gave her a look, which clearly said ‘get to the point, I am very tired to entertain you.’

”Two thousand eight hundred and ninety-two warehouses filled, and more are filling every minute; I have already asked for three thousand more warehouses; you don’t have to thank me for that.” She said the last sentence snarkily before turning back to the screen.

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