Monster Integration

Chapter 1360 - Extraction

Chapter 1360 - Extraction

Gulp Gulp Gulp…

I gulp down all the liquid inside the big bottle of herbal essence as I continued fighting.

With me fighting such an extremely intense battle, I am draining essences like water. I had to drink essences continuously to survive against the Strange Cosmic Energy of this ruin; even a minute without the essences could start the process of turning me into the Ghoul.

I had drunk too much of essence, far more than my body could handle, and now it is injuring me inside. If it had been any other time, I would have felt worried about it, but seeing more than a hundred Ghouls attacking me every second, I am worried about injuries I am getting internally.

My body is strong enough to handle the injuries caused by a huge amount of essence. Seeing at a crazy speed, the essence is getting digested; I would not have to worry about the internal injuries the essence is causing; it will be over within a few minutes.

In this intense, the herbal essence is getting digested at never before speed. If it had been any other time, I would have been escatic about it but not now. I am more focused on keeping my one eye on the beacon bracelet I am wearing.

It could shine at any moment, and once it does, I will have to get as far as I can from these freaking Ghouls for safe extractions.

"Can you now run away?" I asked Elina, seeing the power she is showing, it will be easier for the runaway and maintain a few hundred meters distance than fighting like she is doing now.

"I can't; my bloodline isn't letting me," she said, her voice is full of frustration and anger.

The emotions she is feeling is understandable. If I had been in her place, I would have felt the same, especially now at the time of leaving.

We continue killing more and more Ghouls, but more Ghouls keep appearing, building more and more pressure upon us. I wanted to curse those bastards watching from the sidelines.

I could feel people's gazes; most of them are just watching it like an interesting play. Only some of them are helping, killing Ghouls that are coming in our way; if not for the help they are providing, the pressure on us would have been even greater.

Still, the help they are providing is not enough; the numbers of Ghouls are increasing at a much faster pace than we are killing them, and if this continued to happen, then it wouldn't be long before we get overwhelmed.

Till now, I was somehow able to protect myself from the attacks of Ghouls, but if their numbers kept increasing at a similar pace, then it will become impossible for me not to get injured. Unlike Elina, I do not have the protection of Bloodline that would help.

Once I get injured by the Ghoul, the necrotic process would start, and that also one of the things that could interfere with the extraction, which means getting injured by the Ghouls will be akin to staying in this ruin forever.

It is not easy to stop the necrotic process in thousands of years; there are only six people who were able to stop the necrotic process, and those who did, have used a special process unique to their Inheritances and Bloodlines.

Buzz! Buzz!

Half an hour passed by when suddenly the beacon bracelet I am wearing gave a vibration and began to shine in red. Seeing that, my expression couldn't help but change.

The extraction had started, but I could not get extracted due to interference of Ghouls. The Beacon shining red means there is interference, and due to it, I could not get extracted.

Only when the bracelet shines Green would the Ruin Gate be able to extract me from this ruin. The extraction has started; I could already feel the gazes that were looking at us from the distance disappearing.

"Micheal, you should run away; with the numbers of Ghouls attracting toward me, it would be impossible for me to get away," Elina said with a voice full of sadness.

My expression couldn't help but turn serious when I heard, and I decided to use my trump card.

"All hope is not lost," I said as a smile appeared back on my face, Ive been thinking about this scenario for quite a while and formed a plan.

'First Boost!'

I activated the first Boost, and immediately hug power filled my veins. Right after activating the first Boost, I activated 'Rose Cover,' and twelve small roses came out of me.

As those twelve roses came out, they created a ring around us before transforming into petals and forming a rose that covered us fully.

As the rose formed around us, I poured out as much as the energy of the fist boost I could in rose and began to made it bigger as the rose became bigger; it started to push back nearly two hundred Ghouls back from all direction.

A look of shock appeared on the face of Elina, seeing me do that, as what I am doing is a simple thing. I am pushing back nearly two Ghouls, which have the power of strength of a powerful King Stage powerhouses.


The rose begins to push back Ghouls, but its speed is too show as the Ghouls begin to attack with their all. Seeing that, I begin pouring even more energy into the rose; the amount of energy is so great that my veins begin to turn red under strain.

But I did not care; my goal is to push back the Ghouls enough that the beacons would turn red and we would be extracted out of the ruin.

Due to the immense pressure I am feeling, blood begin to come out from my eyes, ears, nose, nearly every hole of my body, but I did not care for any of that as I kept pushing the Ghouls back further and further.


I had pushed back the Ghouls about one hundred fifty meters when suddenly, the Beacon on Elina's wrist turn green, and she disappeared before she could utter my name fully.

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