Monster Factory

Chapter 587: Despair.

Chapter 587: Despair.

However, when the news has spread, neighboring countries have only to euphemistically express their regret.

The China News spokesperson immediately expressed China’s determination to provide humanitarian aid at sea and expressed willingness to provide more weather data. It is only in the face of such a harsh natural climate that China can only be powerless. South Korea has also said it is ready to facilitate the rescue. But no one knows exactly what to do. As for the countries of South Asia, they were satisfied with verbal expressions, and no one will count on them.

What happened to Sapphire forced the US government to make such a direct appeal for help. Is America still supreme and invincible?

More than a thousand kilometers from the Asian mainland near Guam Island, there are two of the largest overseas bases in the United States, the Yokosuka Naval Base, and the Okinawa Naval Base, where the powerful United States Air Force Team is stationed. Could it be that even the United States cannot save the people existing on Sapphire?

The situation with the Sapphire was very grim. It was struck by the huge waves for three hours, and the tourists and the crew of the boat are physically and mentally exhausted.

The helmsman at the helm takes twenty minutes to turn the boat one turn, and the captain’s orders go nonstop to the first officer than from the first officer to the second and then to the third officer and finally to the helmsman in the cockpit, he was so tired his whole body was shaking.

All unfixing things on the outside deck are gone and the cabin was even messier. Dozens of service personnel and sailors hold handrails along the side of the aisle, moving harshly towards each cabin step by step. Without the consent of the passengers, they directly opened the doors to the rooms with their own keys and violated the privacy of the passengers. But no one can object, since they cannot even open the door.

Service personnel and sailors must transfer all guests to the public room on the first floor of the Sapphire.

The Sapphire is one of the ten most luxurious cruise ships in the world and has a launch time of only two years. The newer the ship, the more advanced its supporting scientific and technological facilities. The public room on the first floor of the Sapphire has been specially modified. In addition to having hidden safety seats, the hall was also specially reinforced and had an independent air supply system.

This is also the reason why in many disaster films if a cruise ship sinks, everyone walks towards the theater. In addition to security reasons, the more crowds are concentrated in a single place, the more they facilitate the rescue of the rescue teams.

Taking advantage of the geographical position, the Chinese media immediately carried out a large number of follow-up reports. Some TV stations also invited experts in to explain to the public the biggest doubt in their minds which was none other than why the US government had watched the Sapphire struggling in the waves and could not do anything about it.

“As we all know, the United States is the most powerful nation in the world and has the most advanced equipment in the world, whether it is air or sea rescue forces, the United States is much more advanced than other countries. Even many sea rescue standards are developed. This is formulated by them,” the expert seated in the guest seat, addressing the audience in front of the television: “But everyone should pay attention to the fact, that this is the sea area of Japan here. It even takes time for the aircraft carrier to catch up ~ and the local waters are extremely abnormal, there are often huge waves bigger than usual and the wind is very strong. Even if there are rescue ships, they can’t seem to get out to sea against the huge waves.”

“~ This sapphire incident is a great test of the leadership capacity of the US government ~ If the Sapphire is going to capsize under the noses of the whole world the anger in the hearts of the American people will certainly peak in an instant.”

“Professor Wang, how long do you think the Sapphire can withstand before it sinks?” The host asked in a timely manner.

“I have a copy of the Sapphire technical data released by the White House a few minutes ago. According to the data, the Sapphire has been sailing from the Bering Sea and the ship’s fuel reserves are already low running at full power to withstand the wind and waves. So within one to two hours, they will be faced with the situation of fuel exhaustion. Once the fuel is exhausted, it can only drift with the flow.”


Under the strong order of the White House, the Japanese Coast Guard had to continue sending small speedboats to the cruise ship Sapphire.

This time US News Network reporters and photographers risked their lives to drive a wave-piercing speedboat and when the picture came the American people grew increasingly angry telling each other even: “Since the little speedboat can approach the Sapphire, why not launch the rescue?” Do journalists eat shit? They only know how to tap, and the government? What if we defended their American team?”

After half an hour, the storm has not subsided.

“What can the government do?”

“If Sapphire is in danger, then I will immigrate. This country has lost the meaning of existence.”

“Does the government want us to witness the tragedy of the Twin Towers of World Trade once again? And stay helplessly watches the Sapphire go to annihilation?”

“The military is good in the movies. The army is very powerful. In reality, this is rubbish bullshit.”

“Oh my god ~ everyone watching TV, the Sapphire’s power completely is going to go to waste.”

“Oh my God!”

“I’m a front line CBS reporter in Japan, the Sapphire ship… has lost momentum. God be with it,” on the angry sea and the swirling waves and under heavy rain on the waters unstable, a speedboat cruised through the waves at full speed. The physically strong reporter had held the edge of the speedboat with one hand, shouting into the microphone while holding it with the other hand.

The camera shook violently, and the audience watching the television was full of wind and rain.

With the Sapphire adjusting its course to fight against the wind and waves, the captain shouted over the radio; his voice was tired: “The fuel is exhausted, I have done my best, we will pray,”

People all over the world watching the news all fell silent. In the photo, the blurry Sapphire floats in the rain and countless travelers were praying.


Perhaps there is an unknowable existence in the dark, which has heard the voice of prayer. Gradually, people realized the original roaring waves became unusually small.

The original wave from eleven to twelve meters slowly transformed into tens of meters, then into 9 meters… In just five minutes, even the public could clearly judge that the huge waves were diminishing according to the ups and downs of the speedboat piercing the waves the reporter took.

“God bless us. I’m Bassett, a front-line reporter from CBS. The waves got smaller, the waves got smaller. The government rushed to send ships and planes.”

The White House, which was bombed by the whole country for several hours, finally dared to show up at this point.

“With our cooperation, the Japanese Coast Guard will send two tugs into the sea where Sapphire is located and allow us to refuel for the Sapphire.”

Suddenly, cheers rang out across the internet as the huge waves got smaller.

For a moment, when no one could foresee it, on the surface of the sea which had gradually softened, suddenly a huge wave rolled up. The huge wave was like a majestic perimeter wall, coming from a good distance with a height of 15 meters.

By this time, the weather forecasting stations on several nearby islands were all praying to God frantically.

The stars of the television channels that saw the new wave coming towards them were immediately frightened; they pushed all their power to escape; only the CBS film crew remained.

“I believe there will be a miracle. We are ready to be with Sapphire. I am ready to be with one hundred and twenty crew and two hundred and twenty-one passengers.”

“God will bless us, and the American people who pray will bless us. Amen. Let us pray… together for the Sapphire.”

In the last sentence, reporter Bassett was already roaring, but the audience watching TV no longer heard his roar, their ears were full of the roar of the huge wave coming like an apocalypse.

The camera started shaking violently and the photographer screamed in horror.

Cursing desperately in desperation the decades-long reporter who has been heavily hired by ghosts.

“Boom ~”

A curtain of water covering the sky and the sun was passing by. With the sound of the impact and the beating, the audience who witnessed this moment discovered the sea and the sky were turned upside down, and the whole world was turned upside down. Then there was the frantic lapping of the sea, and at the end of the picture the Sapphire, which had struggled for several hours in the huge waves, was thrown into the sea by the huge wave and could no longer be returned up.

All over the world, I don’t know how many people witnessed this moment with their own eyes through television and the Internet.

It was a catastrophic moment as if countless people around that time were watching the towers of world trade crumble helplessly with their own eyes.

Right now the American people have forgotten breathing.

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