The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

Chapter 242 Preparations For The Olympics 8

Chapter 242 Preparations For The Olympics 8

Even though he didn't have to worry about making more money Jake wanted to take advantage of the opportunities that came up before the 2000s there were still plenty of opportunities for Jake to make money from his future knowledge.

After 2000 they would also have plenty of opportunities, so he needed to have business talents near him to make the most of the fortune he would receive and invest, even though he knew that in more than 20 years Amazon's stock would appreciate, to become the company most valuable in the world didn't mean so much to investors.

After all, the company would not distribute its dividends to investors, so apart from selling Jake shares it could do nothing at this time of wealth, so even if he could not make that much money and invest in other companies he would need to earn something from it.

It was a pity that the world's most valuable internet-related companies didn't pay dividends before 2000, the ones that paid would not return nearly as much as Jake invested.

It would be much more profitable just to sell the stock after a few years than to invest a lot in low-return companies just because of dividends, so Jake was now even more determined to invest a lot in companies like Matthew's.

They were companies that could value a lot in a short time and Jake could make a large percentage of profits to offset the low total value of the company, surely it would be worth having 30 percent of an average company than 1 percent of a giant company market that paid no dividends.

That's why Jake decided to invest so much in Cisco's stock even though he knew the company would devalue long after the bubble broke, so he could sell all the stock he invested without having any regrets that could have valued more.

For the next few days Jake continued to train hard in preparation for the Olympics, Jake could now feel that his training was beginning to yield more results if he tried Jake believed he could increase the daily running distance to 65 km now.

But he didn't want to push his body a little over a month before the Olympics, his daily training could be shocking to other athletes at the moment, and Jake knew that once he got better now he couldn't improve again until the Olympics.

So forcing yourself to increase training would not be a smart decision, after all, if he did as he normally did in daily training he would guarantee victory, with this routine even if he is in poor condition on marathon day he would still win because he was used to running almost 20 km more every day.

Jake was always someone who tried to be safe in everything he did so he scolded himself so much for losing in New York for being rushed, so he was giving the utmost importance to make sure he would win the Olympics this time because the marathon in New York was every year, but the Olympics was only every 4 years.

So Jake couldn't accept defeat knowing that he could win, even though he was still young now in another 4 years he planned to be at another point in his life, Jake was thinking that in the upcoming Olympics he would at least try to compete for 3 medals of gold.

Jake hoped that after 4 years of training and winning 5 more major marathons, he could greatly increase his Resistance stats and so long-distance racing would no longer be a challenge for him.

Fortunately, he would also gain 5 agility points which would further increase his chances of competing in competitions that demanded as much speed as Resistance, Jake was expecting a lot from the training he could do in the coming years with his new coach.

The other day while Jake was getting ready to go training he finally got a call from director Crowe, Jake thought the director had already given up inviting him to make a cameo in the movie.

After all, it was only a few months before the Olympics, and after the Olympics were over, the director's movie would be close to release, but it seems that the director wanted to shoot some early scenes and call Jake only when it was time for the director to prepare the scene for him.

Jake went to where the scenes would be shot, the director seemed to be shooting some scenes near Miami and thought it was the right time to call Jake to film.

Jake met with director Crowe at a restaurant near Miami to talk before the movie, as they had no studio in Miami and the scenes they would shoot would be in the open The recording crew was in a nearby hotel.

The crew would do some scenes with Tom Cruise who was in town too, so Jake was curious to know what kind of scenes he would do, he already knew the director didn't give him any major roles, but Jake hoped to have some scenes with at least lines.

"Hi Jake, thanks for coming when I called."

"I appreciate the director opportunity, I always wanted to play a Hollywood movie, but after I started playing basketball I thought I wouldn't have that opportunity until I met you."

Jake was being modest of course, he couldn't say that he was thinking of financing a less well-known movie to play in Hollywood, after all, Jake also knew about low-investment films that became famous.

In a few more years Jake would even be able to finance such a movie to be able to act after all this movie had less than 60 million invested, Jake could finance 10 percent of the movie and have a chance to act and would not lose money on that movie yet which raised more than 4 times the amount invested.

But he was glad he didn't have to do it and had found an opportunity before, after all even if he could act he would be slighted for paying to have a chance to appear in the movie rather than receive like the other actors.

"That's good so you must be curious about what you're going to do, aren't you?"

"Yes I am, I'm a little apprehensive about whether I will be able to perform correctly on such a great movie."

"I trust your skills, in fact, the scene you're going to do was not in the script and I thought about it after I met you."

"And how are you going to be a director?"

"I'll give you the script for you to study, then there is the information of what you are going to do on the scene, if you do it well you will be remembered even if you have only a small part in the movie, but if it doesn't look like I think I'll have to cut in editing. "

"Believe me, director, I won't let you down."

After that Jake went to a nearby hotel where he would be staying in the next few days, after all, he had money to pay the hotel did not make sense that he would come and go home every day, it was a very long distance that could disrupt the filming.

Jake had never participated in any movies before so he didn't know how it would be done or how many hours the crew would have to work every day, even if his scene wasn't particularly big he would have some talk with Tom Cruise, that was enough to leave he excited.

Over the next few days Jake watched some filming while he waited for his turn, most of the filming they were doing was with Tom Cruise, but Jake didn't remember many of those scenes.

Maybe they were all cut into editing, Jake remembered seeing somewhere that the best movies sometimes had more than 10 hours of footage to be edited for less than 2 hours, in the end, Jake knew this would be a great movie so maybe it was the case.

As a guarantee he brought one of Matthew's cameras that were camcorders as well, so he would leave a copy of what he did in case the scenes were cut and he didn't appear in the movie, so he would post the movie on youtube after a few years.

Since he was just a small character he didn't have to sign any confidentiality terms, so it was not forbidden for him to record a scene he did, at the end of the recordings he wanted an opportunity to talk to Tom Cruise.

But it was hard to find the right time to talk to the actor, after all when he wasn't recording he was talking to someone on the film crew or the director, it seemed to be true that he took the job very seriously.

But Jake knew he would have a chance to talk to him the day he was recording with Tom Cruise, he had seen that Cruise was very polite and talked to all the actors opposite him, even the ones he didn't talk to much.

Jake had decorated his lines and the lines of other actors while waiting for it so he was the only actor on the set without a script in his hands, the others just as Jake always watched when Cruise acted, after all, it was like a class for new actors.

After a few days, everyone's scenes were almost over and they got some rest and the principal took the opportunity to call Jake to do the scenes he had to do it because Jake's scenes would be done at a school that allowed filming.

So the headmaster had to be fast on recordings and it would take fewer people not to bother the students who were in school yet, thankfully the headmaster had Jake to shoot the scenes quickly.

The first scene was in the athletic field, and Jake just had to do a run as he did in training and the cameraman would choose a part of the shoot to put a small part in the movie.

Then Jake went to the court and in the school basketball team's uniform would have to make a few plays with other extras for a small scene to be chosen.

Normally the actors knew nothing about what the movie would look like so they just recorded the scenes as the director told them and had to replay the scenes several times, but Jake knew these scenes would be edited to form the scene that took place at the beginning of the movie.

It would be a scene in the beginning when the character Jerry played by Tom Cruise would tell a story about several talented young athletes from many different sports, Jake understood why the director said he decided to rewrite the script after meeting him.

That was because Jake would probably be presented by the character Jerry as someone who played two sports if Jake won the Olympics would be even better for director Crowe's movie and in the future even more if Jake excelled in basketball.

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