Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

Arthur and Lucy reappeared in Dark Moon’s headquarters with the unconscious Hul hanging on Arthur’s shoulder . Once she was put down on the cold ground, the teenage girl’s eyelids slowly fluttered before she woke up from her unconsciousness .

Obviously, she wouldn’t have woken up if not for Arthur, who quickened the process or else they would have waited a long time before she wakes up on her own .

At first, the girl was confused as she cautiously looked around her and the second her eyes landed on Arthur and Lucy, she forced her numb body to stand up and lunged at him with ferocity .

She was enraged due to what happened to Sadik, who she valued dearly since he’s the one who took care of her . It’s true that he was a bad person but he was, after all, her benefactor, hence his death affected her more than it should have .


Despite being severely injured from the previous Telekinesis Blast, Hul ignored the condition of her body and mustered all her power to attack this grey-haired man, who already became her archenemy .

Seeing her leaping at him, Arthur remained motionless, gazing at her actions with total calmness .

The girl ferociously punched Arthur’s chest, planning to land a fatal blow . She believed in her strength and she’s rational enough to know that the disparity between the enemy and herself is too big yet she still attacked, wanting to exact her revenge .

Normally, such a punch would even cause a person wearing a sturdy Steel Armor to suffer considerable damage yet this seemingly powerful punch landed on its target but no-damage, absolutely nothing .

Hul felt as if her fist struck an unbreakable Iron wall, the man didn’t even flinch . The attack didn’t even cause his flutter . A cracking sound was heard causing Hul to groan in pain . The bones of her fist didn’t break but it’s apparent that they cracked a bit .

While disregarding her injured fist, Hul splendidly raised her leg and kicked his face but the results were the same .

Since she applied more strength in every hit, the damage to her leg was even more severe . The short girl bounced back and held her leg as she grunted from the agony .

The second attack rendered her unable to even stand up but she still kept glaring at him with reddened eyes, which contained unextinguishable anger .

"It’s frustrating, right? To have a strong urge to kill someone yet being so powerless, unable to do anything . "

Arthur crossed his arms and stared back at this girl, who harbored nothing but hate toward him .

Hearing no response, he resumed speaking:

"That’s exactly what I felt in the past . Being weak is never a sin but being foolishly reckless is . "

"I’ll definitely kill you! I’ll rip you into shreds . "

The girl yelled at him with a shrieking tone but Arthur remained unfazed . He squatted in front of her and met her gaze while he taunted:

"Big claims but empty words . You want to kill me? Then go ahead, do it . I’m not even retaliating, attack me, rip me into shreds, satisfy your thirst for revenge! COME ON! DO IT!"

As he shouted at her face, the girl cold only tightly clench her fists and bite her lips as she glared at him . She was barely able to move, the enemy is in front of her but she’s too weak to kill him, heck! She can’t even injure him .

"You can’t . In my eyes, you’re nothing but a girl who mistook greed for sympathy and generosity but don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s your fault, you were just unfortunate to be saved by the wrong person . "


Hul cursed at the man facing him and even spat on his face . Arthur took a handkerchief and wiped off the spit without getting angry .

"Foul words and barbaric actions, that’s all you learned from him . Do you even know how to read or write? How to count? I’m sure you know nothing . You were only taught how to fight and kill . "

"Shut up! What do you even know? You kill my family then want to prove you’re in the right? Stop trying to justify yourself you’re nothing but dogshit!"

Arthur burst out laughing when he heard her words .

"Justifying myself? I’m just stating facts about you . And I don’t need justification either, what I did what purely out of revenge, payback for what was done to me . Slaughtering the mercenary group and Sadik, that was surely an evil act but I do not care for I never spare my enemies, whether they are innocent or not, weak or strong . The simple fact that they dared to hurt me or my family is enough for them to be considered as targets to be killed . "

This time, Hul remained silent while still staring at him with piercing glare . As he saw her unyielding attitude, Arthur let out a sigh and mumbled

"Perhaps it was wrong of me to spare you too . "

Hul flinched when hearing his words but didn’t say anything, she didn’t expect him to show her mercy nor did she want to . For her, he’s her archenemy and she’ll do anything to kill him .

"Arthur, let me talk to her . "

The silent Lucy finally spoke, she walked next to Arthur and nodded to him, indicating that she’ll take care of this matter . Arthur shrugged his shoulders and backed down, letting them talk alone .

From the looks of it, the girl won’t listen to his words so he left the room so she could focus on Lucy for a bit . Although he left, that didn’t mean he wasn’t able to listen to their conversation .

"What’s your name, girl . "

Lucy spoke to Hul with a soft voice, she didn’t sound threatening or cold like her usual tone .

Hul still didn’t reply, although Arthur is her main target, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t hate Lucy too, who’s Arthur’s accomplice .

"At this rate, you’ll only end up dying with being able to do anything . Sometimes, one has to do anything he can to survive . "

Lucy paused for a second before she continued;

"Do you know why my husband spared you? Why would he kill everyone but only let you live? It’s certainly not because you’re powerful or have special abilities, after all, we have plenty of such people . It’s also not because of pity, such a reason is too lacking . . . . . the reason you weren’t killed is because you reminded him of his past self . Trapped, powerless, unaware that you are used and consider the people around you dear when they are using you as a pawn, a disposable pawn .

You can think of my words as pure lies to trick you but it’s unfortunately not the case . He could have killed Sadik without having you watch but he didn’t, he needed you to have a reason, a reason to live and get stronger . If you lose everything and find yourself alone then you’ll live your life carelessly . You’re still very young so you still have a chance to wake up from your delusions and change, it is not too late for you, it’s fine even if you use your hate toward us as a fuel to become stronger and when the time, we’ll wait for you to kill us, with open arms . So, what do you say, do you want to die or create a new path for yourself?"

Lucy silently gazed at the tanned little girl and waited for her even after the passing of several minutes .

"I, I want . . . "


In the VIP room of a hospital, a young man was standing in front of a very old man who was laying on his deathbed . The old man had many wrinkles and a very pale face, a lot of tubes were stuck into his body and his breathing was heavy .

"Arthur, you’re the closest thing I had to a son *cough* *cough* you must be happy that you’ll no longer hear this old man’s rambling, right? Hahahahah*cough*ha"

The young man’s eyes became teary as he stared at this old man, who’s usually very energetic became weak and fragile, basically on the brink of death .

"Son, the greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world there was only one of him . You’re leaving me too worried you little bastard *cough* *cough* . "

The old man coughed some blood but he ignored it and stared at Arthur with eyes filled with complex emotions as he uttered his last words

"Remember this, son, see not the face, but the eyes . "


As he left Lucy and Hul in that place, Arthur teleported to A peaceful village South of China . More accurately, he appeared in a small graveyard, in front of a specific grave .

He kneeled in front of it and banged his head on the ground while saying

"Old man Gu, this student of yours finally understand your words . I will treasure them for eternity . "

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