The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1344 - 1525 liked him 5

Chapter 1344: 1525 liked him 5

Author: Thirteen pure onesMachine Translation

It seems like he never knew how to dance.

Xia Ling held back her laughter.

However, the smile on her lips suddenly disappeared.

Some memories flashed past her eyes like a fleeting flash.

She was held in his arms, placed on the operating table by him, she stood on the runway, and he was below the stage, shining brilliantly. He was the only audience in her heart.

They would grow old together, one lifetime after another.

"Hai Hai, aren't you going to say something? " Xia Ling thought of more.

She had a headache, but at the same time, she recognized the serious and beautiful Sheng Fei as her man.

They were born in the same bed and died in the same boots. They had many lifetimes.

He was hers.

"hehe... " Hai Hai wanted to put him away. "host, look at the Sun. It's big and round! "

[ system Hai Hai, you have been locked in a small dark room by the host for 10 minutes. ]

Naturally, she accepted the fact that she had someone she liked.

Xia Ling looked at Sheng Fei again. There was always a dim light in her eyes.

Changing the fate of Jin Qing's life did not conflict with her pursuing her own man, did it?


After the class exercise ended, Xia Ling was thinking about how to approach Sheng Fei.

Gu Shi played basketball and entered the class covered in sweat. He sat next to Xia Ling and gulped down a bottle of mineral water. Then, he took off his school uniform and stuffed it into his desk pocket, revealing his sweat-soaked short sleeve.

The short sleeve was rolled up and rolled onto his shoulder, revealing his firm and smooth muscles.

Gu Shi leaned against the back table. Ignoring Xia Ling's pinching nose, he leaned over to gossip with Xia Ling.

"little fat girl, I've heard all about it. You're really amazing, chasing a man into the men's room! Amazing, you really deserve to be ranked No. 1 IN MY HEART! "

Xia Ling had a look of disdain. "Get lost... "

She knew that Gu Shi's mouth could not spit out ivory.

"No, let's talk again. " Gu Shi put his hand on the table behind Xia Ling "Tell me, I'll tell you the news that I found out that you like that guy. Help me ask Qi Mei out for milk tea after school this afternoon. How about it? It's a good deal, right? "

"You know Sheng Fei? " Xia Ling raised her eyebrows.

Gu Shi: "Oh, not bad. I already found out what his name is! " But... ... With my connections in school, this Sheng Fei is too low-key. I only found out a little, so you definitely don't want to know what I know ... How about it ? Think about it, do you want to make a deal?"

He suppressed his voice. It was not that there were no girls in the classroom who secretly cast their gazes at Gu Shi.

However, Gu Shi turned a blind eye to these gazes. He stared at the pretty figure in the third row, unable to extricate himself from his love-struck mind.

"Once? As long as Qi Mei is willing to drink a cup of milk tea with you? " Xia Ling pondered.

"Yes, a cup of milk tea in exchange for the information I know about Sheng Fei. "

"Okay! " Xia Ling immediately stood up.

In front of Gu Shi, she walked directly to the front row.

Sitting in the empty seat in front of Qi Mei, Xia Ling and Qi Mei greeted each other and said a few words with a smile.

Hearing Xia Ling's words, Qi Mei was like a frightened little bird. She quickly looked back at Gu Shi and then looked away with a pale face.

She nodded.

Then, Xia Ling calmly walked back and sat next to Gu Shi.

"It's done. Qi Mei promised to drink milk tea with you after school. "

Her voice was faint, and her fair face was fleshy.

There were two wrinkles on her fair and tender chin, which was the happiness of her two chins.

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