Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 909

Doomsday Wonderland Chapter 909: Don’t Want to See this Person

Chapter 909: Don’t Want to See this Person

The scorching heat on her neck, which symbolized life, reignited Lin Sanjiu’s rationality.

—No matter what, she was unwilling to die like this!

In a split second, she couldn’t even remember who uttered the words on that card; all she knew was that her palm suddenly held a small silver object, chillingly pressing against her skin.

In mid-air, Lin Sanjiu twisted her body and flipped over, reversing her position from head to toe. Like a diver, she descended straight into the endless darkness below. She suppressed her instinctive urge to swing her arms and instead held onto the small silver object tightly, aiming it at the abyss that awaited her below.

“Be devoured by my item!”

This loud shout seemed to be expelled from her mouth, yet it echoed only in her mind. The faint sound of rus.h.i.+ng wind during the descent filled her ears, and blood rushed to her head. For a moment, she couldn’t even distinguish whether she was in reality or a dream.

In the next instant, which felt as long as a lifetime but also as short as a blink of an eye, she seemed to hear a roar and feel the earth-shattering upheaval. Colors, seemingly mixed with milky silver light, started spinning, and the darkness in front of her ceased to be just a void. Lin Sanjiu felt as if she was continuously colliding with something colossal, possibly the inner wall of the monster’s body. She clenched her teeth tightly, gripping the Special Item in her hand, not daring to loosen her grip. She relied solely on her Defense Forcefield to withstand the thunderous impact—until she finally lost consciousness.

As the darkness that veiled her consciousness and vision gradually faded away, through the slits of her slightly opened eyelids, amidst the shadows of her eyelashes, she blinked and saw the night sky once again.

Even though it was overcast with no stars, she still found the night sky incredibly beautiful.

A face came into her view, blocking a large portion of the night sky.

“…It’s really unexpected,” the m.u.f.fled voice was obscured, buzzing as it spoke, “The opportunity to kill you eventually fell into my hands.”


Lin Sanjiu, affected by the twisted force field and physically exhausted, felt as if she had been tossed up and down in a bag, and her mind was now hazy. The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t recall who it belonged to. With the little consciousness she had left, she struggled to maintain her Defense Forcefield, attempting to sit up. Just then, she heard a tearing sound, as if fabric was being ripped apart.

She looked up and saw the person tearing off her sleeve. Through the torn fabric, a thin and sharp arm bone, resembling a blade, gleamed under the night sky.


As the wind roared, Lin Sanjiu’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly propped herself up and rolled on the ground, feeling a chill grazing her back as it deeply embedded into the ground. The strength and hardness of that blade-like arm bone were astonis.h.i.+ng, even cracking the concrete as it struck the ground. She managed to glance back for a moment, and the duoluozhong wearing a mask swung at her once again with a cold glint.

Right by Naga-as.h.i.+’s foot lay a small silver item.

In her desperation, Lin Sanjiu swept her leg towards it. Although her arm felt as weak as jelly, she still had some strength left in her leg. Indeed, she kicked the opponent’s s.h.i.+n bone—only, as soon as the sole of her boot made contact with the s.h.i.+n, her heart tightened, and she quickly pulled her foot back.

Naga-as.h.i.+ laughed behind the mask.

Its forearm bone and s.h.i.+n bone were both made of the same “blade-like” material, just usually hidden within the fabric.

Missing this short half-second opportunity, that little forearm bone had already swiftly cut towards her. Lin Sanjiu decisively turned off her Defense Forcefield, channeling all her remaining consciousness outward with all her might—consciousness was like an undaunted blade bullet, and just like a heavy punch, it sent Naga-as.h.i.+ flying far away. She immediately jumped up, picked up the small silver object on the ground, and rushed forward, shouting angrily at the duoluozhong on the ground, “Left arm!”

The heat of the Pygmalion Choker hadn’t completely dissipated yet, and perhaps she should be grateful that Naga-as.h.i.+ attacked her when there was still a little over a minute left of the collar’s effect.

In her palm-sized silver trash bin, a sharp sucking sound immediately rang out, like the sound of air being rapidly sucked out. Anything thrown into this small trash bin— as long as it could fit—would quickly disappear from the bottom without a trace.

This, just like the monster that swallowed the paper crane, the moisturizer, and Lin Sanjiu, was exactly the same.

Naga-as.h.i.+’s forearm was originally unable to fit into the small trash bin, just like the monster from earlier far exceeded the capacity of the trash bin. However, she didn’t know what kind of ability the “Grand Prize” on the other end of the communicator described to her. At this moment, that arm uncontrollably spun and disappeared into the silver trash bin. At the same time, a long and piercing howl echoed under the night sky as Naga-as.h.i.+ cried out in agony.

The monster from earlier probably ended up just like Naga-as.h.i.+, twisted and sucked into the small black hole within.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly put away the trash bin, and the suction abruptly disappeared. Due to its connection with its body, Naga-as.h.i.+’s left arm wasn’t completely sucked in during that short half-second—it was just that the forearm bone, which was originally smooth, flat, and sharp like a blade, was now deformed and twisted, noticeably shorter than its right arm, clearly useless.

Its intermittent howls were sharp and mournful, like the long cry of a dying owl facing the moon.

“What’s your name?” Lin Sanjiu stared at it and asked coldly. The heat on her neck was gradually diminis.h.i.+ng, but Naga-as.h.i.+ probably wouldn’t dare to launch another attack. “You attacked me, so I must seek revenge… According to the principles of duoluozhong, isn’t this only fair? I haven’t taken your life yet.”

She truly didn’t have the intention to kill Naga-as.h.i.+—perhaps because she had come to understand it. Its past, its torment, its trauma, and longing; as well as the person who still clung to it and was even willing to be chased by it even after becoming a duoluozhong, Lin Sanjiu had unconsciously become familiar with all of it.

Killing a duoluozhong was easy, but killing the childhood playmate that Timo had always been concerned about was not easy.

Naga-as.h.i.+ gasped for breath, her eyes rolling up, revealing a large portion of the whites of her eyes. She stared fixedly at Lin Sanjiu and hoa.r.s.ely said, “You, what do you understand… my hand, I can’t lose my hand now…”

“Why?” Lin Sanjiu asked, then suddenly looked around, furrowing her brows, “Right, how did you end up here?”

Naga-as.h.i.+’s gaze fell back to the ground, and for a moment, it looked somewhat human-like in its confusion. Its mask was puffed up by a breath, and then its low voice sounded, “I came to find Melhor and seek revenge.”

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