Elixir Supplier

Chapter 406 - A Condition That Couldn’t Be Found

Chapter 406: A Condition That Couldn’t Be Found

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Let’s find a place to stay overnight,” suggested Wang Mingbao.

They found a motel, and they planned to check in, stay overnight, and get back on road the next morning.

According to traffic laws, large loading trucks and buses were not allowed to be on the highway after certain time at night. Therefore, there were quite a few people in the resting area Wang Yao and Wang Mingbao picked.

After they had parked their vehicle, they checked in a motel.

It was very windy at night.

The temperature had dropped a lot by the next morning.

“Hmmm, it’s getting cold,” said Wang Mingbao.

They got back on road after having breakfast at the resting area.

The vehicle was travelling very fast on the highway, like a puma.

“That old bastard!” Wang Mingbao searched Long Yunfei on Baidu while playing with his phone.

The news related to Long Yunfei all reported that he acted as a good leader in controlling the contagious disease, established an effective strategy to control the disease, and created a formula to treat it.

“He even applied for patent for that formula. What a shameless bastard!” Wang Mingbao became increasingly angry as he read the news. “Are you just gonna let him off the hook?”

“No way, not possible,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

“Why is this happening to me!?” shouted Long Yunfei in a thick voice. i

“According to the examination results, no health issue has been detected,” said a doctor.

“But why can’t I control my body?” Long Yunfei tried to walk this morning, but his legs were out of control again after walking only 20 steps. One second he could control his body, the next second he completely lost control. It was too weird.

“Well, it could be some sort of behavior disorder,” said the doctor.

“What do you mean by behavior disorder?” asked Long Yunfei.

“Dr. Long, you know, even the medical technology is very advanced now, there are still some diseases cannot be detected,” said the doctor.

What he said was true. For example, someone who suffered from a headache might not be able to get a diagnosis even after being thoroughly checked.

“What can I do then?” Long Yunfei didn’t know what to do. “Shall I go to Beijing?”

“I have a suggestion,” said the doctor.

“What suggestions?” asked Long Yunfei.

“You can go to see a Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner,” said the doctor.

“Try Chinese Traditional Medicine?” said Long Yunfei.

“Yes. I have come across similar situations before. Western medicine couldn’t do anything for me while their symptoms truly existed. So I recommended they see a Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner, who eventually cured them,” said the doctor.

Long Yunfei didn’t respond immediately.

“Are you worried about that doctor? Don’t worry. He’s been transferred to another hospital. Otherwise, you can go to a hospital that specializes in Chinese Traditional Medicine,” said the doctor.

“Okay, I’ll try it. Thank you,” said Long Yunfei.

“You are welcome,” said the doctor.

Long Yunfei decided to go to see the Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner in the provincial hospital.

“Hello, Dr. Long,” greeted the Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner working for the provincial hospital. “What happened to you?”

They didn’t expect Long Yunfei to be in a wheelchair.

After the Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner had seen him, a conclusion was made that Long Yunfei was, in fact, sick; he clearly had issues at his waist and abdominal area. However, the practitioner couldn’t tell what exactly wrong with him and what was the cause.

“My blood and Qi are not running smoothly at my waist and abdominal area?” Long Yunfei didn’t feel well after being told the conclusion. Although he was an experienced doctor in western medicine, it didn’t mean that he knew Chinese medicine.

Blocked blood flow and Qi will cause my legs lose control?

Is this some kind of joke? I’m a medical professional. Can’t you guys come up with something more convincing?

Long Yunfei was not convinced.

“This is what I suspect.” The practitioner had probably noticed that Long Yunfei was not convinced by his diagnosis, so he just told Long Yunfei what he thought. As a medical practitioner, it was not nice to be doubted of his clinical skills, so he sounded a bit grumpy.

“I see. Thanks.” Long Yunfei was also not happy. He left the clinical room with his assistant.

“Grumpy old man, even in a wheelchair!” said the Chinese Traditional Medical Practitioner in disgust after Long Yunfei had left.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked the practitioner’s colleague.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” said the practitioner.

It suddenly occurred to the practitioner that a bit of blocked blood flow and Qi shouldn’t have made Long Yunfei end up in a wheelchair.

Other than the blood flow and Qi, maybe he also has problem with his meridians.

The practitioner thought of something.

“By the way, why did he leave here in the first place?” asked the practitioner.

“It’s a long story,” said his colleague.

“Tell me,” said the practitioner.

“Okay,” said his colleague.

On Wang Yao’s way back home, he received a call from Tong Wei. Then he decided to go to Dao City on his way back.

“Is everything going alright with Tong Wei?” asked Wang Mingbao.

“Yes, She said she missed me, so wanted me to meet her in Dao City,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

“Oh, I see, I miss Han Jia now,” said Wang Mingbao.

“Do you wanna go back to the village?” joked Wang Yao.

“Not really,” said Wang Mingbao, smiling.

It was late afternoon by the time they had arrived at Dao City.

“I’ll spend the night at Tong Wei’s place, how about you?” asked Wang Yao.

“Me? I’ll find a hotel,” said Wang Mingbao. “I don’t want to disturb you two.”

After receiving a call from Wang Yao, Tong Wei left her workplace early to meet Wang Yao.

They picked a restaurant near the beach and chose a private room with an ocean view. Wang Yao ordered a few nice dishes.

Wang Yao told Tong Wei about his trip to Qinzhou.

“Are the kids okay?” asked Tong Wei.

“Yeah, all good now,” said Wang Yao.

“How about that Dr. Long?” asked Tong Wei.

“He is not doing very well. He’s probably trying to get his problem fixed,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

“Is that village really poor?” asked Tong Wei.

“Yes,” said Wang Yao, “Those poor kids had a rough time there.”

“We should try to help them,” said Tong Wei.

“I’ll think about it,” said Wang Yao. His eyes suddenly lightened up, “I have an idea.”

“What is it?” asked Tong Wei.

“No hurry, I’ll let you know when the time comes,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

After dinner, the two of them had a walk at the beach. It was late autumn. In less than half a month, most areas in North China would start to get colder. It was actually quite cold on the beach.

The wind messed up Tong Wei’s hair.

Wang Yao and Tong Wei walked quietly.

“Are you cold?” asked Wang Yao.

“A little bit,” said Tong Wei.

Wang Yao took off his jacket and put it on Tong Wei’s shoulder.

“We have a new manager now,” said Tong Wei.

“So?” asked Wang Yao.

“He’s a frenchman with bad temper,” said Tong Wei.

“Has he caused any trouble to you?” asked Wang Yao.

“Not really, but I’ve worked with him several times. He’s very strict and picky,” said Tong Wei.

“You don’t like it?” asked Wang Yao.

“Not really,” said Tong Wei.

“You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. You have me,” said Wang Yao, smiling.

Tong Wei stopped and looked at Wang Yao. Her eyes were soft and full of love.

Wang Yao smiled.

“I won’t quit!” said Tong Wei playfully. She pouted.

“Haha,” laughed Wang Yao.

“Shall we go back?” asked Tong Wei.

“Okay,” said Wang Yao.

It was very cold and windy overnight, and became frosty the next morning.

Tong Wei wanted to take a day off, but she had to deal with some urgent matters at work. Wang Yao took the chance to visit Sun Zhengrong. He wanted to see how Sun Yunsheng was.

Sun Zhengrong had been waiting for Wang Yao after receiving a phone call from Wang Yao.

“Hello, Dr. Wang, welcome,” said Sun Zhengrong.

“Hello, Mr. Sun,” said Wang Yao.

After greeting to each other, Wang Yao went upstairs right away.

Sun Yunsheng was practicing meditation.

“Hello, Dr. Wang!” He didn’t expect Wang Yao to come.

“Hello, Yunsheng, you look well, and sound strong, too,” said Wang Yao.

He observed Sun Yunsheng and paid attention to his voice, so he knew Sun Yunsheng had been recovering well.

“Yes, I’ve been feeling well lately. Although sometimes I still feel hot and restless, I have been able to control the heat with my will,” said Sun Yunsheng.

It was like he had been given a new life, thanks to Wang Yao, a doctor who was as young as him.

“Let me take a look at you,” said Wang Yao.

He checked Sun Yunsheng’s pulse.

“The heat poison is still inside your body, deep inside your organs,” said Wang Yao.

Then he asked Sun Yunsheng to take off his clothes so that he could provide Qi therapy to Sun Yunsheng. Wang Yao extracted part of the heat poison out of Sun Yunsheng’s body.

After Wang Yao had finished the therapy session, Sun Yunsheng’s back was red, as if he was whipped.

“It’s a shame that I haven’t brought any herbs with me,” said Wang Yao.

After he had finished treating Sun Yunsheng, he talked with Sun Zhengrong and Sun Yunsheng in the living room for a short while.

“Did you go to Qinzhou?” asked Sun Zhengrong.

“Yes, I just got this rare chance to visit a village there.” Wang Yao told Sun Zhengrong and his son about his trip to Qinzhou briefly.

“The village is very poor?” asked Sun Zhengrong.

“Yes, the children still wear very shabby clothes,” said Wang Yao.

“My company is running a program supporting poor students. I can probably help them,” said Sun Zhengrong.

He was a very successful businessman, and had started to consider contributing to the community. Frankly speaking, the government had allowed him to make so much money, he felt he should offer some assistance to those who were in need. As a billionaire, it was not nice to be too stingy to help others.

“Great! That’s really great!” said Wang Yao.

“Write down the address of the village for me. I’ll arrange someone to get on it right away,” said Sun Zhengrong.

“Okay.” Wang Yao wrote down the address of the village, along with the contact details of the secretary of the village.

“I appreciate your help on the behalf of those kids,” said Wang Yao.

“You are welcome. It’s nothing,” said Sun Zhengrong.

It was nothing for him, but was big deal for those kids in the village. Even he just bought some books and clothes for them.

“I have to go now. Come to my clinic if you have time,” said Wang Yao.

“Okay,” said Sun Zhengrong.

He and his son walked Wang Yao out of the house. Then Sun Zhengrong asked one of his employees to arrange a trip to the village right away. He wanted to find out what assistance the village required most.

Wang Yao was also considering donating on his way back home. He had also considered buying stuff for the villagers.

He and Wang Mingbao stayed at Dao City for one more day before leaving for their own village.

“Why not stay here for a few more days?” asked Wang Mingbao.

“No need. I’ve seen everyone I needed to see and arranged everything. I can come back whenever I want,” said Wang Yao.

“Hmmm, you are right,” said Wang Yao.

Dao City was not that far from Lianshan, unlike Jia County, which was thousands of miles away.

They left Dao City in the morning. By the time they had arrived at Lianshan, it was afternoon. Wang Yao drove Wang Mingbao to his store before driving home. When he arrived at home, his mother was cooking.

“Mom, I’m back,” shouted Wang Yao.

“Finally you’re home!” Zhang Xiuying put down the chopper and came out.

A mother was always worried about her child when he was thousands of miles away from home, even just for a few days. Zhang Xiuying had been missing her son very much.

“What’s in your hands?” She noticed that Wang Yao was carrying two big bags.

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