The Mage of Eternity

Chapter 335 - 335 Longevity Species

335 Longevity Species

” Does Home of Kindness really think of themselves as the master of the [Divine Court]?!”

“I’m not paying this money! Whoever wants to pay can pay!”

“Keep your voice down. Be careful not to let those barbarians hear you!”

“What are you afraid of? This is not the territory of Home of Kindness!”

In the Dark Forest, in various supply points.

It exploded.

After all these years of development, the Divine Court had long become their gold mine.

The Divine Court was like a label. As long as it was related to the Divine Court, it could be sold at a high price.

It was as if the Divine Court had a secret art of longevity, and the items from the Divine Court would provide longevity after being used.

The magic beast cores were produced in the [Divine Court], and the plants in the [Divine Court].

Even the ocean water in the [Divine Court] was reclaimed by nobles at a high price.

It was said that the vast ocean water of the Divine Court could allow one to live forever if one consumed it all year round.

Such an absurd statement had attracted the attention of many nobles. This was the most absurd thing.

Relying on the [Divine Court], many merchants, bounty hunters, and so on were born.

Originally, their lives were quite stable. With the golden signboard of the Divine Court, they could easily make up some lies about the Divine Court and live a good life.

All of that had changed today.

Early in the morning, someone entered the [Divine Court] and was about to start his work today, but the [Home of Kindness Guards] came knocking on his door.

They said that they didn’t pay the entrance fee and were considered illegal immigrants.

Now, they had two choices. Either they paid the fees, or they were torn apart and fed to the fish.

Everyone knew that the Home of Kindness was ruthless. After interacting with them in recent years, many people knew that although the Home of Kindness was called “Home of Kindness”, they had nothing to do with “Kindness”.

The most classic thing was that when the Divine Court first opened, the four human associations sent people to the Divine Court as usual.

Using the excuse of “for the future development of the human race”, they asked the Home of Kindness to develop the [Divine Court] with them.

In the past, this excuse of the Four Great Associations of the Human Race was always successful.

Using the great power of the human race as an excuse, the four great associations, as the top forces of the human race, were successful in everything they did. When dealing with human affairs, they were twice as effective.

However, they met… Home of Kindness.

When the Home of Kindness learned that the emissaries of the four human associations had come, they were shocked.

Their communication was very unpleasant.

In the end, the envoys of the four human associations were killed by the Home of Kindness and hung on the city wall as a warning.

In the future, they would slaughter every member of the Four Great Associations of the Human Race.

It was only after the four associations of the human race paid compensation that the Home of Kindness stopped their actions of slaughtering the four associations of the human race.

It was also through this that everyone was jolted awake.

This group of people had never been kind.

There were rumours that they were a group of barbarians.

So it wasn’t a rumour!

Later on, the Home of Kindness maintained its usual style. After slaughtering batch after batch of blind creatures, they completely stabilized the image of barbarians.

Even if Chaos City was later renamed the Home of Kindness, it could not cover up their violent behaviour.

Therefore, when faced with the two choices given by the guards of the Home of Kindness, the person who was arrested would never doubt whether the guards of the Home of Kindness would really attack him.

He had no choice.

He spent a lot of resources to pay the entrance fee.

It was not enough to just pay the fees.

Out of 30 days per month, 25 days must be spent on ” Good People Island “. Otherwise, the entrance fee would be invalid, and you would have to pay again.

There were also various other ” restrictive ” rules.

If it were just a fee, it would be fine.

After all, the living beings who travelled to the [Divine Court] all year round were used to the Home of Kindness’s temperament of treating money as their life.

However, there were all kinds of additional conditions.

If they obeyed all of them, it would be equivalent to them selling themselves to Home of Kindness.

This was what they were unwilling to accept.


Polpi was in charge of the sea region of the former Shaq Kingdom.

Compared to the other people in charge, Polpi was more violent and more of a beast.

The knight who had no mount before had become a middle-sized figure in the Home of Kindness.

Once, in order to survive, he had to bend his knees and live without dignity. He was worse than a pig or a dog.

His own mount was being roasted in front of others. Not only could he not be angry, but he also had to applaud.

This past experience was like a thorn that would forever pierce Polpi’s heart.

After he gained power, the thorn in his heart became his weapon.

Polpi swore that he would never want to experience such a thing again in his life.

He was also one of the few people who were extremely loyal even without signing a contract with An Kai.

There was only An Kai in Polpi’s heart.

He was willing to give up everything for An Kai.

Because he knew.

An Kai gave his dignity back to him.

Therefore, when faced with An Kai’s decree, Polpi was always the one at the forefront.

It was also the reason why he could rely on his stage-4 cultivation to lead stage-6 people.

Sitting on the ship, a secret agent under Polpi reported those people’s reactions after the new order was issued by the Home of Kindness.

After hearing this, Polpi frowned.

Anger appeared on his fat face.

After thinking for a second, he ordered, “Get out there and kill the thief!”

In the next moment, ten 10,000-meter-long ships rushed out of the restriction.

Under the leadership of stage 4 professional Polpi, the guards of the Home of Kindness carried out their orders outside the [Divine Court] for the first time!

That day.

Blood flowed like a river in the Secret Forest.

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