Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1839: Don't Talk In A Rounded Way

Chapter 1839: Don't Talk In A Rounded Way

"Am I wrong?" Quan Hou Chi asked nonchalantly.

Bai Gu Wen felt her anger rise when she heard her own daughter talking like that to her.

"Since you seem to dislike me, let's cancel the dinner." Quan Hou Chi wanted to turn and leave.

"No... Don't leave. We should eat together. It has been a long time since we eat together." Bai Gu Wen said. Bai Gu Wen could not let Quan Hou Chi leave like that. If her daughter left, she did not know what to say to her brother. "Okay. Let's go, then." Quan Hou Chi said.

"We need to wait for your uncle and his family as well." Bai Gu Wen said.

"You invite them too?" Quon Hou Chi frowned.

"Well, we should have dinner together from time to time. We are family." Bai Gu Wen said.

Now, Quon Hou Chi knew Bai Gu Wen's intention. Bai Gu Wen wanted her to meet Bai Xia Fang. She did not think it would be a normal dinner. Well, let them have their way for now. She would listen and nod to them. Not long after that, Bai Xia Fang and his family arrived at the restaurant. Bai Jian and Bai Feng Jiu walked together hand in hand like a mother and daughter even though they were just aunt and niece. "Hello, Mr Bai and Mrs Bai." Quon Hou Chi greeted Bai Xia Fang and Bai Jian.

Bai Xia Fang noticed the title that Quon Hou Chi used.

"Hou Chi, why are you so distant? We are family. You should call me and your uncle, Aunt and Uncle." Bai Jian smiled, correcting Quon Hou Chi's way of calling them.

"Never mind. Let's go to our private room." Bai Xia Fang said.

So, they walked entering the room. Bai Xia Fang told the waiter that they booked a private room for tonight. After confirming the booking, the waiter led them to the room.

While walking, Quon Hou Chi noticed that her cousin, Bai Yu was looking at her with a weird smile. Quon Hou Chi frowned.

She knew Bai Yu who liked to take women into his arms. And that behavior seemed to worsen. She was feeling uncomfortable being looked like that by someone like Bai Yu. She just hoped that Bai Yu would not target her right now. It would be disgusting since they were cousins. She walked faster distancing herself from Bai Yu. Bai Yu just smiled watching Quon Hou Chi's action. Bai Jian approached her son and said in a low tone.

"Don't mess around." Bai Jian stated.

"Mom, don't worry. I will not do anything. I know she is my cousin. I just can not believe that she becomes beautiful like this after growing up." Bai Yu grinned.

Bai Jian looked at Quon Hou Chi's back. Quon Hou Chi indeed grew up beautiful. She was lucky to get a look and body from her mother, Bai Gu Wen. They had seated. Quon Hou Chi was sitting in between Bai Gu Wen and Bai Xia Fang. As for the rest, they could sit anywhere.

Bai Xia Fang arranged the seat like that to make things easier for him. It would be easy for them to have a conversation.

They made the order for the food. The waiter came out with 1992 Chateau Margaux Wine from Margaux, France. The waiter served the wine to everyone. "I don't drink." Quon Hou Chi said.

"Why not?" Bai Gu Wen asked.

She felt that Quon Hou Chi disrespected others right now.

"Mother, I am driving to come to this place. I don't want be arrested for driving in drunk." Quon Hou Chi said.

"Well, we can send you back, anyway. It is not a big deal." Bai Feng Jiu said.

"It is not a big deal for you. But for me, it is a big deal. I need the car to go to work tomorrow." Quon Hou Chi retorted.

Bai Feng Jiu went silent. "I will ask someone to drive the car back to your house." Bai Xia Fang said.

Quon Hou Chi was silent for a moment. Then, she agreed to the offer.

Bai Xia Fang smiled. They cheered with the drink. The food came over after a while. They talked while eating.

It was Bai Jian who started the talking. "How is your work, Hou Chi?" Bai Jian started slowly. "I am doing great." Quon Hou Chi replied.

It's start. That was what Quon Hou Chi thought right now. This was probably their true aim. "How is the work environment over there? Is it good? Have you gotten along with co-workers?" Bai Jian asked again.

"The work environment is very good. Of course, I am getting along with my co-workers just fine. However, it would be bad for my work." Quon Hou Chi replied.

"I am happy to hear that." Bai Jian smiled.

"I hear you are working at Qinyue Group right now." Bai Xia Fang started.

"Yes. I supposed you know that from my mother." Quon Hou Chi glanced at Bai Gu Wen.

"Hmm... So, you are working in the HR department?" Bai Xia Fang asked again.

"Yes. I am an intern over there. Mr Bai, please ask what you want to ask. Please, don't talk in a rounded way." Quon Hou Chi said.

"Hou Chi, don't be so rude." Bai Gu Wen scolded her daughter.

"Rude? I don't think I am being rude right now." Quon Hou Chi said. 

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