Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 43 - Sob Pitifully

After they were  finished discussing their future  plans , the Lin brothers  and Su Wan  walked towards  the dock.  They spent  quite some time looking around the market and by the time they reached the docks ; thick ; dark clouds weighed down heavily upon the sky and hid the brilliant golden shade  of the sun . The sky looked so dark that it looked like it was going to rain , Su Wan  was worried that the rain would  affect  the business  . Lin Yan  who caught  sight of  her anxiety  stricken  face , patted  her shoulder  " Don't  worry , the weather changes  here like this every  second day but it rarely rains before  four in the evening. We still have four to five  hours  left " 

Once  Lin Yan finished  explaining  Su Wan  heaved a sigh of relief  , she  was worried that if  it rained  how will she  show off her skills and attract customers ? A clear sky was very important  to attract  customers  here without  any loud Hooters  .


" Hit him ! Hit him hard " 

" You bastard how dare you ask for money from this master ? 

" Go die  ! " 

" please - please stop hitting manager Wang ,  he is so old he will die !" 

" Help somebody  help " 

Su Wan  frowned , at first she  thought  it was some street fight but then  her penciled brows jumped heavily  when she  realized  that it  was the entrance of her shop 'Eat delicious  ' that was surrounded by curious onlookers  .  Her heart jumped when she  heard that those hooligans  were beating Manager Wang the manager  of Eat delicious and she hurriedly  dove in the crowd  trying  to reach the centre of the hustle bustle , but compared  to her Lin Jing  and Lin Yan  were faster  , they left Lin Rui  and  Lin Yu  to take care of Su Wan  and rushed inside the crowd .

No sooner had they rushed in , painful groans were heard followed by loud thwacks. 

Su Wan  with the help of Lin Rui  and Lin Yu  finally reached  the  middle of the  crowd , in the centre laid a heavily beaten old man whose eyes  were  black and blood was dripping out from  the  corner of his mouth . Next to the  old man two young boys  were crouching and holding him up , in front of them stood Lin  Jing and Lin Yan  and at their feet were two youths  .

One was so fat that his eyes couldn't  be seen and the other was ugly and ferocious  looking .  Su Wan  knew these two boys they were Su  Cheng 's classmates  and friends . 

The ugly and ferocious  looking guy was surname Zheng and the fatty was surname Ji.  Just like Su Cheng , these two were lazy  , perverts and complete  idiots  . They even  liked to bully the weak and curry favour  the strong just like  Su Cheng .

Su Wan  heavily tsked then went forward  to help manager Wang , she looked at Lin Rui who took out some hundred of copper coins and handed the young boy with a scar on his eyes .

" go take Manager Wang  to a doctor we will take care of  this matter  "  said Su Wan  as she pushed the young  man  to hurry , the young man  with scar stared at her stunned but he too understood  that more than anything saving  Manager Wang  was more important  thus he hurriedly  said his thanks and left the crowd with  Manager  Wang  leaning heavily on his shoulder  . 

The other boy stood beside them  , his eyes were  red but he was glaring  at the two boys  in front  of him with extreme hateful and vengeful  eyes . Obviously , it  wasn't  the first  time he got bullied by these two  young men  .

Surname Zheng finally recovered from the shock of getting pushed down and grimly shouted " You - from where  did this bunch of good for  nothing country  bumpkins popped out from ? Do you know who  I'm  ? How dare you push me down , if you don't  want to get arrested once I'm  done beating you both fuglies you better kowtow in front of this daddy  " 

Lin Jing and Lin Yan  got even more furious when Surname Zheng  spewed vulgarities  , they wanted to pummel  that ugly  looking face to the ground  but Su Wan  with her thin yet pretty figure walked out and stopped the two from beating the guy to death  . Her hair was tousled  because of the cold winds which caused it to stick  to her small  and pale face. 

Whether it  was ancient times or modern times , men were always attracted  to beauties . The moment Su Wan  stepped out , Surname  Zheng  and Surname  Ji forgot  all about  cursing  Lin Jing and Lin Yan  instead they instantly  looked up at Su Wan  and their eyes brightened  as they assessed  her with their ugly pig eyes . 

Su Wan 's face  scrunched  up in disgust , she wanted to stomp on Surname Zheng 's d**k and keep stomping  on it until it resembled  nothing  more than a meat patty but Surname Zheng 's father was a known  shopkeeper  in this market  if she dared  to harm  him - this  perverted idiot's  father might  trouble  her in the future.  While she wasn't  afraid  of trouble, her shop was still  not established  properly , she would  wait until her shop becomes more or less famous before she dealt with this idiot  !

Thus , Su Wan  suppressed  her killing urges and her gaze that resembled  bottom less pits swept around the crowd and hurriedly  spoke up " Surname  Zheng , why are you creating  trouble in front  of this weak girl's  shop ? How have I  offended  you ? You  even dare to beat the poor  manager Wang today until he stopped beating , are you going to beat  the weak and frail me tomorrow  ? How am I suppose to survive if you create trouble  in front of my shop like this ? Not only do you refuse to pay , you  even dare to beat my staff - fellow country men  come and be the judge , I have never troubled these two young men but  they dared to hit and beat my people when they are asked  to pay for a meal they have eaten , if this continues  how will I  and my family survive ? Where will I go ? My family have old and sickly , without  money how will  I  pay for their expenses  ,?" 

" oh what am I supposed to do ? my  pitiful mother in law is still waiting for her medicine . If my shops didn't  earn a hundred taels my mother in law 's life will be in danger . How will I  face my husbands if trouble  befall on my family , today I came with my husbands  to bring the money  back but instead  I have  to take  the money out of my  husbands  pocket to save my  restaurant's  staff's  life . If this continues  how will I live  ? Surname Zheng  , I beg you to leave me with a way out or else I would have no option but to commit suicide!" 

Just  like that Su  Wan  painted  Surname Zheng  and Surname Ji as malicious and cruel  bullies . In fact  Surname Zheng 's father  Shopkeeper Zheng was  also infamous  for being greedy , cruel  and immoral. Thus , when Su Wan  cried so pitifully  the crowd  at once  inclined  towards  her .

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