Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 39 - Buying Seeds

While Lin Yu was wiping Su Wan 's face , Lin Rui elbowed Lin Yan  in the ribs motioning  him with his eyes to apologise  . Lin Yan  glared  at his third  brother  who glared  sternly back , their staring  match  would have continued  if not  for Lin Jing  who pulled Lin Yan by his collar and pushed  him forward  . Lin Yan staggered and looked at his  eldest brother who narrowed  his eyes  and folded his arms  as he tilted his head at Su Wan  .

Lin Yan  who  understood his brother  the best knew at once what  his eldest brother was saying to him ,  if he wasn't  wrong  then Lin Jing was asking him to hurry up and apologise  before he makes him apologise  .


Lin Yan  trembled  and his face  flushed before  he stepped closer to Su Wan  who didn't  even once  looked at him..seeing her acting like this Lin Yan  was a bit scared  . Yesterday  when they were fighting Su Wan  was fighting  with him on an equal plane but today she was simply ignoring him , Lin Yan  was a bit  terrified  at her expression less face  . He turned to look at his brothers  who  simply jutted their chin asking  him to hurry up  .

Lin Yan  sighed then  twisted his hands in unease , this was the first time  he was apologising  to a woman and thus he had no idea how to cajole his wife .

He opened his mouth  and closed it again which  made him resemble a gold fish .

Su Wan knew that the one who was standing beside her was Lin Yan without  even raising  her head. However , she didn't  raise her and waited , she  wanted to  see what Lin Yan actually wanted to do thus she simply kept looking at Lin Yu who was staring at Lin Yan  .

Lin Yan finally crouched down to Su Wan's  height  and looked at her tear stricken face but she turned her face away  from him , Lin Yan  sighed , trying to hold her hand but everytime  he tried to reach for Su Wan's  hand , Su Wan  would snatch  her hand back . In the end Lin Yan stopped trying to hold her hand " I know  I was wrong , please  forgive  me . I - I was just worried about Ah Yu and said  something offensive . I promise  I will never misunderstand  your intentions  ever , you can rest assured " 

" you sure are making a lot of promises " sneered Su Wan  folding her hands in front of chest  " can  you even withhold  them ? And what were you worried about exactly ? Ah Yu is my husband as well will I  bully him or will I look down  at him ? If I look  down  at my husband  won't  I be looking down at myself  as well ?" 

" I'm  sorry I  was wrong . I won't  do it again  " promised Lin Yan 

" it doesn't  matter if you promise  or not . " said Su Wan  as she turned to look at Lin Yan  expressionlessly " if you ever misunderstand again in the future or scolded me without any rhyme or reason , I will  not cry nor will I make a scene like today . Instead  I will pack my bags and leave  . Don't  think that just because my name is under  your household name I  won't  dare  to leave  , if you upset me or mistreat  me again I will make your head so green that even a green prairie . I'm  still  young , I can still find  someone who will treat me well and love me as I'm  , so if you want a stay silent and homey type you can look somewhere  else ." 

Sorry, she wasn't  someone who will compromise  nor was she a damsel in distress. It was just that she was too lazy to start  from  the very beginning  , if she left the Lin household, she  would have  to live like a refugee  . And a lone woman in this era was never  safe but that doesn't  mean  she would just suffer  silently  ! She was  the one who made people  suffer not the other way round , humph .

Listening to  Su Wan's  serious words , The Lin brothers  were stupified  especially  Lin Yan  who was scared  silly  . He knew that Su Wan wasn't  joking , she was serious ! If he or his brothers dared  to treat her unfairly  or offended her in some unforgivable  manner ; she will truly leave them or worse repudiate them ! 


Thankfully  , the ox cart arrived  when  the atmosphere  between  Su Wan and Lin brothers was  turning awkward  .  Su Wan  and  the Lin brothers  sat down on the ox cart , Lin Yu kept engaging  Su Wan  in small chats apparently  trying to show that he was taking their promise sincerely  . Su Wan  responded  to Lin Yu animatedly but when it was Lin Yan 's turn who said something  , she would just pretend  that air was whistling  in her ears and she couldn't  hear him at all.

Soon  , they arrived  at the major  market of  the five markets . Su Wan  who had never  seen a market ever  since she transmigrated to this place , soon forgot about  her anger and jumped off the ox cart and hooked Lin  Yu 's wrist  in her hand as she looked around . 

Small businesses  , street  vendors ,peddlers all of them were gathered  in this market  . 

" Jing ge , where are we going  eh ? eh ?" eyes sparkling  like night sky  Su Wan  turned to Lin Jing  as she kept holding on to Lin Yu 's hand who didn't  tug his hand out from her grasp  this time .

Even Lin  Yan didn't  say anything when he saw that Su Wan  was so excited  . Lin Jing  who was on the receiving end of Su Wan's  excited smile , softened his expression  and spoke up " Seeds . Its  closer  " meaning he was going to buy seeds first  because the shop was closer .

Su Wan  nodded hurriedly and followed  after Lin Jing  .

Lin Jing walked past the crowd with ease , he was so big that Su Wan  and the others only need to follow behind him and the crowd will part on its own . Soon , after five minutes of walk Lin Jing brought  them to a shop where big bags that were filled  with seeds in front of their entrance  was  kept. 

" oh its Lin Jing " the smiling buddha face shopkeeper  smiled at Lin Jing when he caught sight of him " are you here to buy seeds , boy ?" 

" En " said Lin Jing  he was going to point at the seeds of wheat when Su  Wan  with Lin Yu  in tow came to  stop in front of the shopkeeper  and looked around as she spoke " Master shopkeeper  do you have  seeds for bok choy , spinach , romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce , garlic  and chives ? " 

" Ah Jing  this is ?" 

" Wife " said Lin Jing  simply but if  someone  looked closely  they would see a gentle fondness  on Lin Jing's face .

" oh its your wife  " said The shopkeeper  nodding at Su Wan  with smile , a few days  ago he did hear  that the Lin brothers  married a shared  wife . However  ,the shopkeeper  didn't  judge either the Lin brothers  or their wife  after all who doesn't  have problems in their life ? " Little girl , if you plant  these right  now they will wither soon . Winter is  coming  why don't  you take seeds of radishes  and carrots ?" 

" We will take them too but I  want these as well " with a smile Su Wan  replied  the shopkeeper  sweetly  what a joke if she didn't  plant these now what was the use of the hot spring ? How will she sell these rarity and get rich ? The shopkeeper  turned to look at Lin Jing  who understood Su Wan's  intention at once and nodded .

" Alright that will be five  hundred copper coins  " after weighing  the seeds that Su Wan  wanted including the one Lin Jing  ordered , the shopkeeper  handed the packets  to Lin Jing  who took the money from Lin Rui and  handed it  to the Shopkeeper .

After a brief goodbye , they walked off to Su Wan's  embroidery  shop.

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