Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 36 - I Can Spend My Life With The Memory Of Your

Just like that the plan for the day  was decided.  Su Wan  was the boss and the owner  of those shops so it was necessary for her to go to the town and it was the same for Lin Yu and Lin  Yan who would be in charge  of their respective  shops  . 

Lin Jing wanted to buy some vegetables  seeds as well so he decided  to tag along with  Su Wan  and the others .  Similarly  , Lin Rui needed to follow others to the town as well because among his family members he was the only one who could  check the account books of the shops  .


In the end Lin Chen alone was left  alone at home for taking care of their mother  , if this was before he wouldn't  have minded but now the situation was  different! As Lin Chen  watched Su Wan  pack some pancakes for lunch with her , he pouted and followed  after  his wife to the kitchen with an unhappy  face .

Seeing him acting like this , Su Wan  was speechless . She didn't  know what to do with  this big baby " Ah Chen , I will be back in just a few hours. Don't  make such an ugly face or else  mother will be upset " 

Mother Lin  was considerably  nice to her and Su Wan  didn't  want her old mother  in law  to get upset if she saw her son acting unwilling just because  he was left alone at home to take care of her .

"  But - but its unfair  " pouted  Lin Chen  as he tugged on her palm and held it " I want to go with wife  too ! I want to make a trip  with  my wife as well " 

Su Wan  blinked then shook her head " quit acting like a baby , its not a big deal . I will come back in just a few hours and you won't  even miss  me " 

Lin Chen  gasped  loudly and smacked  her palm slightly  " how can you say that ? Wan Wan you dare doubt my love for you ? Just the very  thought  of being away from you makes my heart ache .  How can you be so heartless !" 

'Oh my god such a drama Queen  ' muttered Su Wan in her head when she saw Lin Chen  acting in such a frivolous  manner . She thought  that the guy was a fool but only now did she  realized  that this fool 's flirting skills were top notch in comparison to his brothers. If Lin Chen existed in the modern world  maybe he would  be well known as a playboy .

" Wan Wan ~" 

" Enough  get away  from me " the coquettish  cry made  goosebumps break all over Su Wan's  body . From where did this guy learned to act like this ?  And why did she  felt  a sense of deja vu ? Ah !  Didn't  she once  saw a show in which the concubines  acted like this to attract  the Emperor's  attention  ? 

" But Wan Wan , you are leaving with my brothers  and I will be left alone here . I don't  like it " complained  Lin Chen  , he too was jealous of his eldest brother .  This morning when he first saw his eldest brother  split lip , he felt as if he was smacked on his head . Among his brothers  he was the  only one who was the most sociable  thus he believed that he would be the one who will be in lead but reality  proved  him wrong ! 

His stoic brother actually kissed Wan Wan ! Lin Chen  was worried that if he didn't  up his game  he would be left far behind  in the dust by his brothers  . Sure enough he cannot underestimate  either of his brother , he needs to get moving !

With  that in mind he stretched his hands towards Su Wan's  waist in an attempt  to hug her . 

Su Wan  slapped those  naughty claws  of his that wanted to take advantage  of her and glared at Lin Chen sternly  " Ah Chen  , let me go and stop acting so unruly ! " 

" Fine , you can go .. I will let you go " said Lin Chen  holding her hands in a slimy way " But only if  you give me a kiss ~ " 

" You - its so early  in the morning what's  going on in that dirty head of yours "  blushing furiously  Su Wan  tugged  her hands away from  Lin Chen but compared to her , he was obviously  stronger . If he  didn't  let go of her it was  impossible for her  to free her hands of his grip " let me go or I will get mad - and its not  like you won't  get a chance ... today is your turn to sleep with me anyway " 

Lin Chen  smiled  as pleased as a cat who licked the cream of the milk and pulled  Su Wan  to him and placed his arms around her dainty waist" That's  a promise ?" 

" En its a promise  "  Su Wan  assured him but this new side of his made her nervous and she blushed  even more  ,however silently she vowed  to return ten times  of his teasing once they were behind  closed doors " now let me go " 

Lin Chen  didn't  let go instead  just as Su Wan  opened her mouth , he leaned forward and slammed  his lips upon her . Su Wan  was taken by surprise  , she never expected this fool to act like  a hooligan in broad day light  .

She struggled  to get out of his embrace  and this time Lin Chen  didn't  stop  her , panting slightly  he let go of her . 

" you - hooligan  !"  Su Wan  wanted to push him off her in one sweep  but Lin Chen used her momentum and turned  her body around such that her back  was pressed against his front  " what are you - oh " 

She gasped  when something  hard pressed against  her b**t.

" I'm  all ho* ny and its your fault Wan Wan " panted  Lin Chen  " but don't  worry  I  will respect  my promise to you .  " 

" Ah Chen  -I  " whispered Su Wan 

" Wan Wan  where  are you ?"  from the outside came Lin Rui 's shout and Lin Chen  pulled himself away from her at once .

" I'm  coming " shouted  Su Wan  back and turned  to pick up the wrapped pancakes as she strode  out of the  kitchen but when she reached  the Kitchen  entrance  , she turned around and smiled at Lin Chen " I will  be back " 

" En , take care and come back soon "  this time Lin Chen sent her off  with a smile , in truth he was worried and anxious . Today , all of his brothers were going  along with  Su Wan  because all of them were good at certain  things  , Lin Jing  knew how to farm and hunt , Lin Yan was smart and a great cook, Lin Rui  was a intelligent  and wise as for Lin  Yu  he was great at embroidery  .. As for him , he had nothing  except  brute strength  . 

He wasn't  smart , nor he knew how to hunt or farm . He can't  even cook rice without  burning  and his hands  couldn't  even hold needle and thread correctly  . So , when Lin Chen saw his brothers  tagging along with Su Wan  he got scared , he was afraid that Su Wan  would realize  how amazing his brothers were and how useless he was and when she realizes the gap that existed between him and his brothers , she would naturally  not like him anymore .

Everyone  thought  that he was a fool maybe he was .

That's  why he kept on bothering  Su Wan  , if - if His wife  realized  how much of a fool he was when she compares him to his brothers who will be showing their  skills at the  town and  start avoiding him . ..maybe he will be able to spend his life with  the memory of this beautiful moment .

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